Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Quick update
Monday, July 5, 2010
Settling in and Remembering how Old I am
I am now in week 3 of training for the next race. The Portland Marathon on October 10 is my next challenge. Even though I had a disappointing 4:13 in the Illinois Marathon, I was bitten by the bug and enjoy getting out to get the miles on and I continue to do the mental laundry when I run. Plus, I can see the improved physical condition evidencing itself in body tone, mental focus and improved endurance (in all areas ;)). I am shooting for a time well under 4 hours this time and so my training has taken on a little different approach. First, since it is summer, I have added swimming once a week (800+ meters) as well as speed work (hills (parking garages here in the flat land prairie), tempo runs and longer pacing runs). In addition, the long runs on Sundays started at 10 miles and only go up from there. Between Portland and next year’s Illinois Marathon, I hope to break 3:30 to be the Boston Marathon qualifier that I know is inside me.
I moved into my new apartment a month ago and am settling in. Waiting for the cable guy today. I am living downtown and as such, walk everywhere or take the bus (plus, it saves $150 per month for gasoline). Yesterday, I ran most of my 11 mile training run (90 degrees and 90% humidity killed me at 8.5 miles) then walked another 5 miles each way to get to the parade route. Right before the parade, we had a brief downpour so while the marching bands and politicians did not like it, the spectators (well okay, me) welcomed the rain. I then realized that after watching an Irish folk band over at the Blind Pig, that it was time for me to get some rest and I missed the fireworks. All part of remembering how old I am.
An aside with respect to remembering age and maturity: I remember when I was, oh, I don’t know… 18, that if you did not want to see someone anymore, you would just not call or respond. With age and experience come refined communication skills and a certain amount of respect for others. A polite conversation that gets the point across that it is time to move on earns a tremendous amount of respect and a walking away from a relationship, albeit pretty casual, that everyone feels pretty good about. So, why, in any higher power’s name, do the mixed signals continue to go on? Text: “I really have fun with you, you make me feel good.” Next 5 Texts: “No. Already have plans” (or something to that effect). Just tell me to leave you alone and I won’t invite you out anymore. It’s really that simple. Anyway, I still feel good about me and I have already moved on. The training helps.
The fatigue I feel today is mostly from putting 20+ miles on my feet yesterday and partly from having people aged 35 to 70 acting like 18 year olds. Say what you think and others will not have to guess. That’s something that I have recently had trouble with, but no longer. A mild relapse to come close to seeing how I really was long ago and remembering that I do not like that guy. I am back on track and back on the track. It’s good to be back.